Day: November 29, 2021
The SHED leaderboard is live!
Hi everyone; a bit of a break since our last post but I've got an update for you.
To everyone working hard in the SHED study: thank you so much for all of your hard work and dedication. We are so lucky as a relatively nascent trainee network to have such enthusiastic researchers working with us.
It's not all take-take-take, however. I've been slaving away over a hot laptop to bring you a bit of fun - we now have a way of tracking how many patients we are recruiting to SHED.
It can be found here:
SHED Leaderboard
This has been inspired by the brilliant map for the PERUKI research project Bronchstart.
Now, this is only as accurate as the data that is input onto REDCap as it captures data from that. It is also not updated live, as that would require an awful lot of coding far beyond my abilities and it would require I find out what an APIs is. For now, it will be a map that I update each week. When I update it each week I will be keeping track of new recruits targeted. Each month I will be allocating fabulous prizes to a centre's recruiting members. These include the Official TERN Badge (TM) or an Official TERN Lanyard. I have big bags of both.
Whilst it is easy in centres with a lot of research infrastructure to recruit patients, I also want to ensure that the centres with only one or two people working or in slightly smaller centres get a fair crack of the whip, so I will be applying dense and intensely complicated statistical analyses to attempt to compensate for smaller centres or fewer people working. The next draw will be the 17th December, so until then, I want you all to get cracking. There's only one event worth looking forward to in December, and that's this prize draw.
Prizes are below:
So, have a look at the map and start planning with your centre how you're going to sweep to victory.
My warmest regards,
TERN Fellow